Monster Business Gateway – Common Job Errors        
  Below is a list of common errors that clients encounter when submitting jobs to Monster. If you encounter one of these errors, please review the "Description" and "Resolution" notes and attempt to address the issue. If you still receive the error, then contact your Monster Customer Service Representative for additional troubleshooting support.  
  Error Description Sample Resolution XML field name  
  Minimum length Content of a field is shorter than minimum allowed length Value [<value>] of field [<FieldName>] is shorter than the allowed minimum of [<minimum lenght>] characters. Make the content of the field longer N/A  
  Maximum length Content of a field is longer than maximume allowed length Value [<value>] of field [<FieldName>] is longer than the allowed maximum of [<maximum length>] characters. Make the content of the field shorter N/A  
  Required field Field is missing and is required [<FieldName>] is required and was not provided. Add the field into your XML N/A  
  Location unpostable The Location cannot be posted to. BGW was able to recognize your location input however it is not valid location target of a JobPosting The identified job location [<LocationId>] can not be posted to. Please change your location input. Change the LocationId or Location data to make it valid/postable Location. This usually requires specifying the Locatoin in more details (like also City instead of just State) <Location>  
  Add of existing Job Add requested but active Job of the same User with the Same JobRefCode exists Job add requested but active Job with JobRefCode [<JobRefCode>] already exists for User [<UserId>]. JobRefCode must be unique for any given user. Make it unique. <Job jobRefCode="">  
  Field is not numeric Field that is required to be numeric is not <FieldName> [<Field value>] is NOT numeric Make the field valid numeric N/A  
  Multiple PhysicalAddresses There is more than one distinct PhysicalAddress within the Job Multi-position Jobs are not allowed. Make sure all PhysicalAddresses matches in the Job. Make sure the Job contains only one unique PhysicalAddress. The easiest way to achieve this is to specify it on Job level within the JobInformation element instead of inside each JobPosting <PhysicalAddress>  
  Unable to find inventory Unable to find inventory that would match the Job Unable to find inventory. Contact Monster N/A  
  Internal error Internal unclassified error occurred An unexpected error occurred, Please resubmit the request and contact Monster customer service if the issue persists Retry shortly. If problem persists, contact Monster N/A  
  Update without active Job Update requested, no active Job exists Update requested but no active Job with JobRefCode[{0}] found for User [{1}]. Check that an active Job with the exact same JobRefCode exists. N/A  
  Bolding removal attempt Bolding was requested to be removed during an updated. This is not allowed Removing bold during an update is not possible. This action is not possible <JobPosting bold="">  
  Autorefresh removal attempt Autorefresh was requested to be removed during an update. This is not allowed Removing Autorefresh during an update is not possible. This action is not possible <Autorefresh desired="">  
  Autorefresh addition attempt Autorefresh was requested to be added during an update. This is not allowed Adding Autorefresh during an update is not possible. This action is not possible <Autorefresh desired="">